Wednesday, March 5, 2025

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The Kind of Revival We Need

IT IS GOOD for us to draw nigh unto God in prayer.

The King James Bible

Soulwinning Helps


by Christian Penn: One of the greatest needs of a soul winner is to have a great concern for each individual to whom he...

He That Winneth Souls is Wise- Part II

by Billy Sunday: Soul Winning is Difficult Work Now, it is a difficult form of work. It is more difficult than preaching; it is more difficult...

Why Delay Your Real Conversation?

What does converted mean? It means completely changed. Converted is not synonymous with reformed.

The Principle of Church Ministries

Several years after Dr. Hyles had gone to Heaven I attended national pastors conference. At that conference the host pastor was touting to the gathered delegates the large number of new ministries they had started over the past year.

There Is Only One Way To Heaven; Period!

More than messages on temperance, more than messages on church discipline, is the need for the message of God's way of salvation.

The Cost of Being a Soulwinner

by C.H. Spurgeon:  I WANT to say a word to you who are trying to bring souls to Jesus. You long and pray to...

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Marriage Helps

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Ministry Helps

You Are Going To Reap What You Sow

Those of you, who are determined to have sex with every person you date, have no idea what you are doing.

What Then is Our Message?

When John wrote these seven chapters on how to behave, then he wrote the twenty-two chapters of the book of Revelation on how to behold.

A Good Thing

"In order to be a good thing..., we must STAY a good thing!"

Holy and Beloved

"The way I treat those around me should not depend on THEIR worthiness, but on HIS!"

How To Get The Most Done Each Day For God

Every day has a duty that is essential to be accomplished. To accomplish the duty of every day I use ROPEF to help me.

Hymns Written in Suffering

It is astonishing to discover how many authors of our hymns had some disability, or wrote out of some difficult experience in their lives.

Prayer Helps

Hymn Stories

The Story Behind The Hymn: Great Is Thy Faithfulness

Composer Thomas Chisolm Writes Great is Thy Faithfulness Thomas Obadiah Chisolm (1866-1960) had a difficult early adult life. His health was so fragile that there...

And Can It Be: The Story Behind The Hymn

The Story Behind The Hymn: And Can It Be Not many hymns begin with a question as does this one.        However, it is not an expression...

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