Saturday, January 11, 2025

What Bible Are You Reading?

by Rachel Harkins

For the second time in just a few weeks, our county is under a “boil water advisory” due to a major equipment failure. Our instructions are as follows:

“The Division of Water Resources advises customers to boil all water used for human consumption (including drinking, cooking, brushing teeth, making ice and food preparation) or to use bottled water. Vigorous boiling for 1 minute should kill any disease-causing organisms that may be present.”

Once again, we have found ourselves thinking twice before getting a drink of water from the kitchen sink. Brushing our teeth is accomplished with bottled water in hand, and dish washing? Well, as I boil water on the stove for both washing and rinsing, I’ll just say that I have a renewed appreciation for the ease of filling our sink up with water straight from the faucet. To serve as a very visible reminder, I had our daughter make signs – DON’T DRINK WATER – for both bathroom mirrors as well as the kitchen sink. Those signs stared me in the face again this morning but I must say, I’m thankful for them. Without those signs, I know we would easily forget the advised precautions.

 As I picked up my King James Bible this morning, I’m so thankful that I didn’t find a “DON’T DRINK WATER” sign. I praise God that, as our daughters sat and read His Word, they found inerrancy and not infection; purity and not parasites; verity and not virus. Later, as we sat and shared in our morning Bible time, I am thankful to say that there were no organisms present to cause the disease of doubt. I thank God that our Bible time was “bacteria free” so that I could teach with boldness the truths God had for us that day. As their mother, I didn’t have to worry about any possible contamination.  And, because we serve a God that keeps His promises, I can say with full assurance that I never will…

 “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.”  Psalm 12:6,7

by Rachel Harkins

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  1. Psalm 12:6-7 certainly is true. it also doesn’t mean one translation, and one translation only, for all time, is what is meant by it. You are seriously twisting God’s word. For the record my Bible of choice is the KJV but His truth is in ALL reputable translations. If you deny that take it up with the translators of the KJV itself.

    • His (God’s) truth is not in all translations. How can it be when words are changed and whole verses omitted. Having many, many versions has caused strife, disunity and confusion and God is not the author of confusion but of peace and unity. (I Corinthians 1:10, 14:33, Psalm 133) Your words “my Bible of choice” clearly illustrates the problem with many so-called versions. God’s holy word the Bible (Authorized King James) is not Burger King and you can’t “Have it your way”. There can be only one THE Bible and that Bible is the old Authorized King James Bible.


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