Thursday, February 6, 2025

God Is Crazy About You!


by Amy Sapp

Who are you crazy about?

Are you crazy about your husband, the love of your life?

Do you remember your first date? Think about how you could not wait for the next time you saw him smile, the next love letter, the next phone call, the next text, and the next date! Did your heart “pitter-patter” when he would walk into the room? Remember planning your wedding, and the excitement of going on your honeymoon? Think on how you were so thrilled about that first place you would live as husband and wife! Then there was the first home you would purchase together. How exhilarating it was to think on all of the many milestones you would share together! You love that man of yours. You are CRAZY about him!

Are you crazy about your children?

Do you remember the day you found out that you were going to be a parent? What about the excitement of sharing the news with each and every person that you knew? Remember how awesome it was to carry that tiny human in your womb, to feel every little move the baby made? Think of the anticipation of finding out if it would be a boy or a girl and then celebrating at the baby showers. Oh, how you loved that baby from the get-go! Every milestone was special–from rolling over, to the first word, to walking. There was a special excitement when your little one asked Jesus into his or her heart! Think about all of those birthdays and broken bones. Remember kindergarten graduation, the first piano recital, high school graduation, then college. Following that was a first date with a special someone, and not long afterwards, your “baby” was getting married! For every single up or down of that child’s life, all the good and some inevitable bad, you were there! Why? Because you are CRAZY about your child!

Maybe you are CRAZY about your best friend.

You may have several friends, but there is that one specific friend that is a bit more special than any friend. It could be someone that you have known since early childhood; it could be a sibling; or maybe it is someone you have only known for a short time. Regardless, the Lord just knit your hearts together. There is a good chance you know almost every detail of your best friend’s life, from every special date in their life to their hardest struggles. You get excited when they are excited, and you hurt when they are hurting. You are “there” when your friend needs you to be because you are CRAZY about your best friend!

What makes you crazy about someone who is special to you? You talk to them and you go out of your way to spend time with them. These people are extremely special to you and hold a huge spot in your heart. You trust them with more than just an average type of trust.

You love them with an unexplainable kind of love!

Within the last two years, I have had some trials head my way. One could say that my world was turned upside down! I tested positive for BRCA1. This is a gene that every person carries that naturally fights cancer. My BRCA1 gene is “mutant,” which means it lies dormant. Because of this, I have extremely high percentage rates of getting certain types of cancer. These past couple of years have taken me beyond my comfort zone and on an emotional roller coaster ride! When I am struggling, my husband will often remind me, “God has something BIG for the Sapp Family!” He means it is something bigger and better than our human comprehension. The Lord has trusted me with this trial! He trusts me to take it and to run with it for His glory; so, in return, I must trust Him!

The Bible says in Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” God is CRAZY about me!

When you realize how crazy you are about certain people in your life, it just makes sense that God is crazy about you! He is unbelievably, crazy-in-love with you! He loves you so much that He sent His only Son to die on the cross for you. Imagine that! That is perfect love! I John 4:18-19 says, “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. We love him, because he first loved us.” God has perfect love for you; He is crazy about you! You need to be crazy about Him. Just like you would be crazy about that special person in your life, you can be that crazy about the Lord, and even more so!

Spend time with the Lord. Let Him be the first One you talk to in the morning and the last One you talk to at night. One of the best things about prayer is that it is not limited to certain times of the day. Share all of your secrets with Him, hold nothing back! Read your Bible; spend time in His Word getting to know the things that are important to Him. Go to church and really listen to the preaching. Let His Word speak to you. Tell others about Heaven! Share His perfect love with everyone.

I Peter 5:7 says, “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

You should be crazy about God, because God sure is CRAZY about YOU!

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