Monday, October 21, 2024

3 Steps To Discovering God’s Will For You

by Dan Boatman

There are many out there that have no idea what God wants them to do. We must understand that God wants to use each one of us in a very special way. In order to determine God’s will for our lives we must scrap the idea of personality test, ability test, and intelligent test. God is not interested in whether a person is an introvert or an extrovert. He is also, not interested in us telling us what we can and can’t do for His Kingdom. We must always remember that God equips and qualifies the ones He calls. We can break down knowing God’s will into three simple scriptural truths. Understand this, that while the truths are simple to understand, it will take great determination and discipline to apply these truths.

The first step in discovering God’s will is that we must Ask God for Wisdom. James 1:5 “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and ubraideth not; and it shall be given him.” We see that God has promised wisdom to any person that would ask. So Ask! Asking God for wisdom means that we actually pray. Not just little prayers, but actually get down and beg the Lord for wisdom. Prayer is so important. I hear people say that we are going to pray about something but I would go as far as to say they think about it, talk about it, but never pray about it. Not praying and asking God for wisdom will be one of the fastest ways we can end up out of His will and in a complete mess.

The second step in discovering God’s will is that we Apply God’s Word. Psalm 119:105 “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Our Bibles will do us no good if we do not ever open them. His will is found in His Word. God really speaks through His word, but the problem is that we very rarely go to scriptures to see if God’s Word agrees with what God’s Spirit is telling us. There are three things we must not lean upon in determining God’s will. We must never base God’s will on Emotions. We must never base God’s will on Feelings. We must never base God’s will on Man’s Opinion. Emotions and feelings change throughout our day and the thinking of man cannot determine what God’s will is for our life. Don’t just listen to popular opinion but go to the scriptures and apply God’s Word. We must get to the point in our lives that we determine that God’s Word is Sufficient. Someone that says that they don’t need scripture to make their decisions is telling us that the scriptures are not sufficient in determining God’s will for their life. Possessing a flashlight in the dark does us no good if we don’t turn it on. Likewise God’s Word does us no good if we don’t open and read it. Search the Scriptures in determining the Lord’s Will.

The third step in discovering God’s will is that we Accept God’s Way. Psalm 37:4 “Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” We must remember that God does not think and operate like us. His thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not our ways. When God confirms His will for our lives we must simply accept it. Accept it even though it does not make sense. Accept it even though it is not logical. Accept it even though it is not financially possible. I heard someone say this one time: “If it is God’s Will then it is God’s Bill.” God not only will give us the ability, but he will also fund the journey. Following God’s will is a step of faith, and if it was logical or made sense then it would not require faith.

God is not going to lead us down a path of destruction. God’s way leads to life and life more abundantly!

by Dan Boatman

Original article can be found at

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