Monday, February 10, 2025

Receiving God’s Unclaimed Blessings

by Bud Silva

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” -Matthew 6:33

Recently my wife was told of a website that the state of California has that reveals a list of people who have unclaimed money. She was told that her name was listed. My wife anxiously went to the site only to discover that it was a person in Santa Maria with the same name! We were cautiously excited but somewhat disappointed that the refund was going to someone else. We thought maybe we had some “unclaimed money.”

God, too, has some unclaimed blessings for each of His children. There are blessings that God has for each of us that go unclaimed. God calls these unclaimed blessings, “riches in glory (Philippians 4:19). Just like the unclaimed money that will go unclaimed if it is not sought for, so it is with God. Jesus said you must seek Him first in order to receive all the blessings He has for you.

Somehow each of us are deceived by thinking that if we “fit” God into our lives and schedule, that God will be satisfied with that. We even think that if God is among the top things in our life or even second that is good enough. God says He wants to be first.

Let me remind you that in the blessings God has for you, is everything you will ever need in your life. It may be money or even the most important things money can’t buy. God has everything you will ever need in your life. Yet many of us will end our lives with unclaimed blessings because we didn’t put God first.

I recently heard a sermon from Pastor Clarence Sexton from Knoxville, Tennessee. Many years ago he served as the assistant pastor to Dr. Lee Roberson at the great Highland Park Baptist Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Under Dr. Roberson’s ministry, Tennessee Temple University was established with Christian schools, Union Gospel Rescue Missions, Camp Joy and hundreds of missionaries sent around the world. Now in his nineties, Dr. Roberson said to Pastor Sexton, “I could have done so much more. If I just had the faith to trust God, I could have done so much more.” Now that Dr. Roberson is in Heaven, maybe he has seen the unclaimed blessings that God wanted him to have but didn’t receive.

May you determine to claim God’s promise. Seek God first, trust Him and receive the unclaimed blessings that God has stored up for you.

by Bud Silva

Original article can be found at

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