Thursday, February 6, 2025

What If You Knew You Were Satan’s Next Major Target?

What if Satan decided to “sift you as wheat” like he did Peter?

What if God gave Satan permission to make you the next Job and take everything you have from you?

What if, at your lowest moment, your best Christian friends decided to question your integrity as Job’s friends did.

What if your closest and most trusted friend turned on you like Ahithophel turned on David?

What if a businessman in your church decided to target you for destruction like Alexander did to Paul?

What if God allowed you to be sold into slavery by your own family like Joseph?

What if the crowd turned against you like they did Stephen and took you outside of the city to stone you for your faith?

What if someone decided to make you his target online and did everything possible to destroy your reputation, going as far as to even start a group to spread accusations against you?

What if a spiritual leader to whom you looked to and had love and respect for decided to seek your destruction as Saul did to David?

What if, in the very midst of doing a work for God, someone decided to make false accusations against you and question your motives as was done to Nehemiah while he was rebuilding the wall?

What if you knew you were going to be Satan’s next major target?

How do we know we are not his target? Why do we assume that Satan is not a threat to us? Why are we so careless in preparing ourselves for the potential attacks that Satan could bring upon us? Are we so naïve as to think that he has not continued doing today what he has always done?

In Satan’s Toolbox, the author reminds us of how dastardly Satan can be in his attacks on God’s people and God’s work.

Pastor, Satan desires to have you. Christian servant, Satan desires to have you. Christian parent, Satan desires to have you. Church member, Satan desires to have you, and he has tricks and tools in his toolbox that he has mastered since the Garden of Eden. Are you certain you are ready? Peter was certain. He was confident that Satan could not get him, but he did.

Author Greg Neal uses thirty-eight chapters to warn Christians of what Satan has done in the past and what he is capable of doing today. He also gives us the defense necessary to have victory over these attacks. Satan is wreaking havoc in the lives of many Christians and causing destruction in many churches. We need to arm ourselves for an imminent attack. This book will help us do exactly that.

Who is this book for?

If you are born again, this book is for you. It is a book for all ages. It is a book for all Christian workers, all church members, all deacons, all staff members, and all pastors. It is a book that should be taught in Sunday school as well as in Christian schools. Parents should use it in teaching their children. Pastors should use it in warning their members. Colleges should use it in preparing young people for their futures.

There are few books about Satan’s methods and minions, and none like this one. Greg Neal takes the time to expose how Satan has brought his toolbox into the 21st century and found new ways to use his old tools.

This book is potent and powerful. It is revealing and riveting. It is old-fashioned and modern. Do not read it at your own risk. However, if you are concerned about being the victim of one of Satan’s methods, order it NOW and read it as soon as you receive it.

Be warned: Satan is good at what he does. You could be next! Prepare yourself for what he plans to do to you.

About the Author: Greg Neal is the pastor of the Immanuel Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida. He is a Bible preacher with a heart for people. In addition to Satan’s Toolbox, he has authored several other books and pamphlets. He is the president of Berean Publications and the Managing Editor of The Baptist Magazine. He has been married for twenty-one years and has three daughters.

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