Monday, October 21, 2024

I Don’t Need Another “Version” Of The Bible

by Dr. Jack Hyles

Ezekiel 34:19, “And as for My flock, they eat that which ye have trodden with your feet; and they drink that which ye have fouled with your feet.”


Recently a lady came to our church on a Sunday morning. She came back on a Sunday night and she asked her friend, “Which one of those fellows is pastor there—the guy that was loving and sweet on Sunday morning, or the guy that was mean on Sunday night?” She says, “Which one is the real Jack Hyles?” If you planned to ask a question like that, I would not reveal my ignorance in public if I were you. Billy Sunday used to say, “You can’t loved flowers unless you hate weeds. You can’t love health unless you hate germs. You can’t love God unless you hate the Devil. You can’t love right unless you hate wrong.” And so, the opposite side, the reverse side, of the coin of love is hate. These little mambe-pambe preachers who never preach against anything, they don’t love anything. That’s a synthetic, superficial kind of a love. A love that says to their young people, “I love you,” and doesn’t warn them about Rock music is not love at all. And so tonight you’re going to hear the other side of Jack Hyles. And without the side you’ll hear tonight there is no truth, no veracity, no truth to what you heard this morning. And I want to talk tonight on the subject, Keep Your Stinking Feet Out Of My Drinking Water.

Let me read to you again, before I pray, just one verse. By the way, let me explain what this means. The word “pastor” means “shepherd.” A pastor is the shepherd of the flock. And it is synonymous with the word shepherd. And when God would scold His men who were not doing what they should do. He likened them to a shepherd who was not doing what he should do with his flock. In this passage in Ezekiel chapter thirty-four, God is using this figure of speech, but He has His men in mind, and the way that men handle the people and the flock and so forth. So it says, and I’ll read this verse, “And as for My flock (now that’s the people of God) they eat that which ye have trodden with your feet (now in the Bible the Word of God is symbolized by bread. We feed on the Word of God. And then it says,) “and they drink that which ye have fouled with your feet” (and that word “fouled” means you have caused a stink with your feet). He is saying you’re like a shepherd who has a flock of sheep and you’re corrupting the food by walking on it with your dirty feet. And you’re corrupting the water by putting your stinking feet in the water. He’s likening that to God’s men who dabbled wrongly with the Word of God. The Bible is likened unto bread and the Bible is likened unto Water. And I want to talk to you tonight on that subject.


I am bringing the type message that is not my favorite type message. My favorite type message is the kind I preached this morning. Just like it’s more fun to take your kid to the zoo than it is to spank your kid when he’s been bad. But spanking your kid when he’s been bad is more necessary than taking your kid to the zoo. Now as I said awhile ago, the Heavenly Father here, as uses the Holy Spirit, uses the figure of speech of a shepherd and his flock. And he uses a shepherd that does not feed his flock with food that is pure; but rather, feeds his flock with contaminated food because he has trampled on it with his stinking feet. And does not give his flock pure water. The Bible is mentioned as water, as a symbol of the Bible. So the whole issue here is the Word of God. God is saying to His men, and don’t leave me now, God is saying to His men, He’s saying, “You leave the Book alone! You leave the Book alone!” He is saying, “Keep your stinking feet off My Words! You see, the Word of God is the drinking water for God’s people, the cleanser for God’s people. And God said, “You keep your stinking feet out of My Word!” And that’s in the Bible right there. He says, “You have fouled the water with your feet and you have trampled with your feet the bread, the food,” and God says, “Keep your stinking feet off of the bread and keep your stinking feet off of the drinking water!”

Now let me put that down where you can understand it. I’d like to say to the Zondervan people that publish the NIV Bible, “Keep your stinking feet off of the Word of God!” That’s my drinking water. Keep your stinking feet off of my drinking water!” I’d like to say to Broadman Press that put out another false Bible. I’d like to say to the Broadman Press, “Keep your stinking feet out of my drinking water!” I’d like to say to the Nelson Publishers, who publish more false Bibles than anybody else, and whose owner I know personally, very, very well. I’d like to say to Nelson Publishers, “Keep your stinking feet out of my drinking water!”

The Revised Version is dirty water. The American Standard Version is dirty water. The New American Standard Version is dirty water. The NIV is dirty water. The Reader’s Digest Modern, Revised, Condensed Version is dirty water. The New King James Bible is dirty water. Gideons, quit serving dirty water around America. American Bible Society, quit serving dirty water, contaminated by your stinking feet. They’re taking the pure Word of God and changing it for a buck and changed it for a dollar. So-called Christian colleges, take your stinking feet out of the Word of God! Quit serving dirty water! So-called Christian seminaries with your intelligencia, which is nothing more than stupidity hiding behind the guise of scholarship, you keep your stinking feet out of my drinking water! Dr. Custer of Bob Jones University, who says that there is no perfect Bible in the English language, you keep you stinking feet out of my drinking water! Greek scholars, so-called, self-styled Greek scholars, who are only called “Greek scholars” by other Greek scholars, you keep your stinking feet out of my drinking water!


Oh, but you say, “Brother Hyles, there are mistakes in the King James Bible.” Ok, let’s suppose there are, though that’s not true, show me the pure water then. I mean, show me the pure water. I’ve got to have it. If it’s the American Standard Version, stand up say the American Standard Version is flawless. Go ahead and say it. I’d rather you say that than say we have none. I mean if the NIV is flawless, stand up and say it. I’ve got to have the pure Word of God. My Bible says I have to have it. Jesus said in Matthew 4:4, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” I’m saying, get your stinking feet out of our drinking water. I’ve got to have it. We’ve got to have the pure Word of God. If the King James isn’t it, have courage enough to stand up say which one is pure.

My Bible says, Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth,” every Word, not every thought, every Word, that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Father. In John 15:7 it says, “If ye abide in Me, and My WORDS abide in you,” not my Word, my Words abide in you, “ask what ye will and it shall be given you.” In Deuteronomy 4:10, “I will make them hear My WORDS.” John 14:23, “If a man love Me, he will keep My WORDS.” But if we’re going to keep His Words, we’ve got to have His Words. I mean the pure, unadulterated Words of almighty God. John 12:48, “He that rejecteth Me, and receiveth not My WORDS.” John 5:47, “How shall ye believe My WORDS.” Luke 1:20, “Thou believest not My WORDS.” Mark 8:38, “For whosoever shall be ashamed of Me and of My WORDS, of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed when He cometh in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.” Mark 13:31, “My WORDS shall not pass away.” Luke 21:33, “My WORDS shall not pass away.” Isaiah 51:16, “I have put My WORDS into Thy mouth.” Jeremiah 1:9, “I have put My WORDS into Thy mouth.” Jeremiah 6:16, “I will bring evil upon this people because they have not hearkened unto My WORDS.” How can you hearken unto His Words if you don’t have His Words?

2nd Peter 3:2, “Be mindful of the WORDS which were spoken before by the holy prophets.” Revelation 1:3, “Hear the WORDS of this prophecy.” Revelation 22:19, “if any man shall take away from the WORDS of the book of this prophecy.” In Jeremiah 11:10, “They are turned back to the iniquities of their forefathers, which refused to hear My WORDS.” Job 33:1, “Hearken to all My WORDS.” Jeremiah 5:14, “I will make my WORDS in Thy mouth fire.” Exodus 4:28, “And Moses told Aaron all the WORDS of the LORD.” Exodus 24:3, “And Moses came and told the people all the WORDS of the LORD.” Exodus 24:4, “Moses wrote all the WORDS of the Lord.” Deuteronomy 32:44, “And Moses came and spake all the WORDS of this song in the ears of the people.” Jeremiah 26:2, “Speak unto all the cities of Judah, which come to worship in the LORD’s house, all the WORDS that I command thee.” Psalm 107:11, “They rebelled against the WORDS of God.” Jeremiah 26:2, “Diminish not a WORD.”

Did you hear that NIV folks, don’t take a word out. Diminish not one word! There’s got to be a Book somewhere in this world that has all the Words of God, with not one word added, not one word taken away. I believe I have it in my hand tonight. But if this is not it, stand up and tell me what it is. Psalm 119:103, “How sweet are Thy WORDS unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” Psalm 119:130, “The entrance of Thy WORDS giveth light.” Revelation 21:5, “These WORDS are true and faithful.” Jeremiah 25:30, “Prophecy thou all these WORDS.” Proverb 23:9, “A fool will despise the wisdom of Thy WORDS.” Jeremiah 3:12, “Go and proclaim these WORDS.” Jeremiah 7:29, “Thou shalt speak all these WORDS unto them.” Jeremiah 26:15, “Speak all these WORDS unto them.” Jeremiah 51:61, “Thou shalt read all these WORDS.” 1st Thessalonians 4:18, “Comfort one another with these WORDS.” 2 Samuel 7:28, “Thou art that God, and thy WORDS be true.” Psalm 119:57, “I will keep Thy WORDS.” Proverb 23:8, “Thy sweet WORDS.” Jeremiah 15:16, “Thy WORDS were found and I did eat them.” Psalm 55:21, “His WORDS were softer than oil.”


Now ladies and gentleman, I’ve gone through Scripture after Scripture and told you that we’ve got to have all the Words of almighty God. I’m simply saying, GET YOUR STINKING FEET OUT OF MY DRINKING WATER! Don’t fool with my drinking water. Don’t meddle with my drinking water. Keep your stinking feet out of it. Don’t add to my drinking water. Don’t take from my drinking water. Don’t change my drinking water. Don’t diminish my drinking water. Don’t condense my drinking water. Don’t make my drinking water easier to understand. Don’t touch my drinking water to change it. Don’t merchandise my drinking water.

And that’s why you’ve got all these Bibles. There’s not one stinking publisher in America that puts these Bibles out because they want you to understand the Bible better. They’re trying to make a buck. If Nelson Publishers for example, think the Bible’s hard to understand, why don’t they put out just one improvement?  They keep on putting out improvement, improvement, improvement, and they copyright it all. Bless God, the King James Bible is not copyrighted, it’s available to everybody!

You’ve messed up the virgin birth with your stinking feet. You’ve messed up the sinless life of Christ with your stinking feet. You’ve messed up the deity of Christ with your stinking feet. You’ve messed up the blood of Christ with your stinking feet. You’ve messed up the imminent return of Christ with your stinking feet. Oh, but you say, “Brother Hyles, the Bible is just hard to understand.” You have got a hole in your head big enough to drive a Mack truck through. I did something last night. I took my Bible, opened it like that, and put my finger down, just like I did there. “Hear ye now what the Lord said.” Boy, that’s a tough one isn’t it? Boy, someone needs to put out a new Bible.

Let me tell you something tonight. America didn’t have policeman in our schools when we believed this King James Bible. America didn’t have a bunch of dope problems, marijuana was almost unheard of when America believed this King James Bible. When the teachers in our public schools started off the morning reading this King James Bible, believed with this King James Bible, and before a bunch of self-styled scholars thought they could change the King James Bible, to make a buck, we had a nation worth something. Brother, we’re not gonna save this nation until ’til we get back to every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Father.

I just pointed to it here, “Hear ye now what the Lord said.” Let me exegete that for you. “Hear” is what you do with this thing right here. “He,” that’s you, opposite of me. “Now,” that’s the opposite of tomorrow. “What the Lord,” that’s the One up in Heaven. “Saith” is what you do with your tongue. Now you leave it alone.

I opened my Bible last night and I came to the Book I’m pickin’ at now, and here’s what I got first, “The king of the north shall come.” I wonder what that means? It means the guy that is on the throne that’s up yonder that way, the opposite of south, will be here after while. You scholars, you’re not fooling anybody. You’re putting yourself above the God Who built this country on this Book I have right here right now. I opened my Bible and it said, “The end shall not be yet.” I wonder what that means? That means it ain’t over ’til it’s over. I opened it and put my finger down and it said, “They departed from the king.” Let me explain that to you. That means we were with the king, but we ain’t with him no more.

I am so sick of these guys that go to an institution. I’ve got more respect for a State university professor who says there’s no Word of God, than I have for a man who’ll hide behind the sacred desk and change God’s blessed Book. You say, “I don’t like your preaching.” I don’t give a flip. I don’t like your liberalism either. I don’t like your compromise. I don’t like your dirty NIV Bible. I don’t like your dirty ASV Bible. I don’t like your dirty New ASV Bible, or your Revised Standard Version of the Bible. I’m trying to say, anybody that’s got any sense to understand this Bible, and you can understand it, you’ve got the Holy Spirit that lives on the inside of you, and He said, He will lead you into all truth. So maybe you liberals ought to have a bigger Bible.

It’s very interesting. We fundamentalists can understand this one. You folks that call us “dumb” have to have an easier one. And you’re the intellectual. Maybe you ought to get some easier ones. I opened my Bible last night and put my finger down and it said, “The house was filled with smoke.” Let me exegete that. Don’t criticize me you liberals. You execute it, I’ll exegete it. “The” means it was just one. Got that? If you want to take notes you can. “House,” that’s a place where people live. “Was” means it ain’t no more. “Filled” means there’s no place in it that didn’t have smoke. Smoke? “Smoke” is something that comes from fire.

I opened my Bible and read, “Thou shalt roast and eat it.” Sit still you evangelical and take it like a man. Well you say, “We just love the other Bibles.” Well how come your church isn’t filled tonight? Here’s one I’m pointing the finger to, “They shall hunger no more.” Boy, I like that one. Here’s one, “How long wilt thou sleep.” Let me just open, I’m not sure where it’s going to fall open, it says, “And them that escaped from the sword carried ye away.” Oh boy. Let me just open it again somewhere and try to find another Scripture here, “On the eighth day he sent the people away.” What would that mean. “Eight,” that’s right between seven and nine. Don’t you sit there and look at me like that you little Bible changer. How dare you rise up against the God of this Book and tell Him He needs some help to give us the Bible. Ok, ok, you say, “Preacher, I just don’t believe that the King James Bible is the Word of God.” Ok, “man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word which proceedeth out of the mouth of the Father.” If this isn’t it, what is it? Find it, I’ve got to have it, I can’t live without it.

Let’s open here and see what it says, “And when the men of the city arose early in the morning.” Now “Men” is the opposite of women. Some of you queers wouldn’t know that. Maybe I’ve had more fun tonight than this morning. I’m saying I’ve got to have every Word. I must have every Word to live. I must have every Word to get my prayers answered. I must have every Word to receive Christ the Bible says. I must have every Word to keep Him from being ashamed of me the Bible says. I must have every Word to prevent evil from coming before me the Bible says. I must have ever Word to be on fire for God the Bible says. All these Scriptures I read awhile ago. I must have every Word if I speak His message. If I didn’t think I had a perfect Bible I’d close this one, walk out that door, I’d never walk in the pulpit again. I have to have every Word to love Him the Bible says. I have to have every Word not to reject Him the Bible says. I have to have every Word to meditate the Bible says. I have to have every Word to avoid the plagues of God the Bible says. I have to have every Word to have an eternal Bible the Bible says. I have to have every Word to be comforted the Bible says. I have to have every Word to have wisdom the Bible says. I have to have every Word to gain light the Bible says. I have to have every Word to preach the Bible says. I have to have every Word to have the truth the Bible says. I have to have every Word to get saved the Bible says. I have to have every Word to avoid evil the Bible said.

Quick, show me the real Words. There must be a perfect Bible somewhere. Which one is it? If you believe it’s the ASV, speak up. If you believe it’s the New ASV, speak up. If you believe it’s the NIV, speak up. If you believe it’s the Condensed Reader’s Digest Version, speak up. If you believe it’s the RSV, speak up. If you believe it’s the New King James Version, speak up. If we must have a Bible, every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Father, that means only one is right!

You say, “Brother Hyles I have several Versions and each version throws some light on the others.” Why don’t you get saved and the Holy Spirit will shed light on the One we got here. Sure I’m mad. You better know I’m mad. I’m as mad as a hornet, because they’re putting their stinking feet in my drinking water. Tell us which one. And once you tell us which one, keep your stinking feet out of it.

Most of us would agree that this Book here contains the very Words of God according to Psalm 12 preserved to all generations. And yet, though there are hundreds of people here tonight who believe this Book, but you’re dehydrated. We believe it, but don’t read it. Let me ask you a question, how much haven’t you read this week…

by Jack Hyles

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  1. I have always used the King James Bible 1611, I’m 59 years old, I got saved when I was 11 years old, some people say they can’t understand it, the Holy Spirit will help you to understand it, I have said before if it’s not broken don’t fix it, I really love reading the King James Bible, I believe it is really inspired by God, God is the Author.

  2. If you can’t understand something as simple as the feet fouling the water how can I trust any further “reasoning” by you? The feet fouling the water had nothing to do with “stink” but with the feet stirring up the mud and other settled impurities making the water muddy and foul to drink. Was every copy of every manuscript in every synagogue and church in the time of Jesus perfect? The only honest answer you could give is “I don’t know”. Still I would never make the claim that they didn’t have God’s word. Was the copy of scripture the Ethiopian eunuch had when Philip found him reading perfect? Did Philip say “Let me check your copy with my KJV and see if you have a perfect word”? God’s word is faithfully preserved in all the major translations you disparaged. No one is going to read ANY of those translations and come to any other conclusion other than Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life yet you want to pollute other peoples relationship with His word with YOUR personal biases.

  3. Just by skimming through an ESV (English Standard Version) I found 17 verses that were either wholly or partially deleted in Revelation. Also, what about Acts 8:37 being omitted and the blood being removed in Colossians 1:14 in the NIV (New International Version) or virgin being changed to young woman in Isaiah 7:14 in the RSV (Revised Standard Version)? It sure seems that God’s word is not “faithfully preserved” in these versions as you seem to think it is. There is only one inspired, inerrant, infallible, preserved word of God today and that is the old Authorized King James Bible.


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