Thursday, February 6, 2025

11 Tips To Prepare Your Family For Sunday Morning

by Laurie Whitehouse

Sunday morning for the average Christian family that is preparing to go to church is a wonderfully spiritual time of peaceful tranquility…NOT!!

Really I can only vouch for my family; sometimes, far too often, Sunday morning can be a chaotic time of searching for that one matching sock, waiting in line for the bathroom, and changing clothes a few times trying to find just the right thing to Nike Tn wear that doesn’t need to be ironed!

We have a busy family that likes to be on the go, so even Saturday preparation time can be limited. Through the years I have discovered that just a few pre-Sunday preparations will save endless minutes and cut back on needless frustration especially when it is time to head to church in a worshipful spirit! Here are my time-saving suggestions:

1. Find tights, nylons, and matching socks so that there won’t need to be a big hunt on Sunday morning.

2. Do your best to hang up church clothing, especially men’s and boy’s shirts, right after they come out of the drier. If they still need to be ironed, iron them throughout the week and hang them up.

3. Have the kids get out their shoes and place them in an area where it will be easy just to put them on on Sunday morning before they head out the door. There is nothing worse than hearing, “MOM, I can’t find my shoe(s)!”

4. Clean up the dishes on Saturday night–you will be soooo glad you did come Sunday morning.

5. Make sure kids know where belts, ties, and other church paraphernalia is.

6. Have kids get Bibles out and place by shoes.

7. I have always loved the idea of a big Sunday dinner, but in reality it hasn’t always been possible, and that’s okay! Just make sure you have something planned even if it’s Campbell’s soup and grilled cheese.

8. Have an idea of what you are going to wear and stick with it!

9. I’m a big fan of cereal on a Sunday morning–it’s quick and easy, and there is not much of a mess. Even toast and peanut butter is good, and when served on a paper napkin there is even less mess than cereal.

10. Set a bath/shower schedule for Saturday evening. The larger the family you have, the harder you should try to get as many baths out of the way before Sunday morning rolls around. I know in our house, the hot water only goes so far!

11. Take a few minutes to think about your husband’s needs. Does he have clean t-shirts in the drawer? Does he have an ironed shirt ready? Many of his needs can be taken care of during the week.

It is very important to guard the spirit of the whole family on Sunday morning. There is nothing that Satan would like better than to have everyone in a grumpy, aggravated, less than spiritual mood. Take just a few steps, and you will find your Sunday morning to be a much more pleasant experience!

by Laurie Whitehouse

Original article can be found at



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