Monday, October 21, 2024

Let Go, And Let God Take Control

by Jonathan Hawks

Have you ever seen an old Western movie where a stagecoach is out of control because the person holding the reins did not have the strength needed to guide the horses which were frightened and racing away? The stagecoach is speeding off course, perhaps headed for a cliff. Suddenly, the hero comes rushing in on his horse and jumps aboard just in time to take control of the reins and slow the horses down.

Living the Christian life is exactly like that at times. We have the reins in our hands. We are trying to be in control. But things change so quickly. We have financial difficulties, health problems, unrest in our family and home life, or a number of other things that frighten us. It doesn’t take very long before we are racing off into a different direction than we intended, and no matter how hard we try to steer back the right way, we simply cannot do so. We want to, but we do not have the strength we need. It is during these moments that we, too, could be headed for cliffs that we have yet to see.

Recently, I have been dealing with an issue. I’ve been praying about this matter, but I also have been guilty of being afraid and trying to guide it myself. Today, God spoke to me. I read in Isaiah 41:10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. God plainly tells us that we have no reason to fear.

Do you, too, feel sometimes like everything is out of control…that your life is careening towards a cliff? Remember the old Western movie scene…? The person who was holding onto the reins but unable to control the racing horses had to let go of the reins in order for the hero to grab hold of them and prevent the stagecoach from going over the cliff.

God is right there. He’s ready, willing, and most definitely able to take control and guide you.Click To Tweet Let loose the reins.

by Jonathan Hawks

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