Monday, October 21, 2024

The Sinkholes of Life


by Roger Penny

Have you noticed all of the stories recently about sinkholes opening up and swallowing people in them? I’m not sure the reason for it but I do know that this only proves that we need to be ready to meet the Lord because this could happen at any time, at any place to any of us! As I was thinking about this phenomenon I begin to think about the sinkholes of life and how there are so many people who get swallowed up by them.

All of us know at least one person and maybe many more who seemingly have everything going for them and all of a sudden their gone, their life is a mess and it’s as if they have disappeared from the real world. While I was think about this 2 verses came to mind. Let me share these with you for just a minute.

Galatians 6:1: Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.

This first verse Paul is writing to the church at Galatia and he is giving them instructions has to how to help a fallen brother. The word fault just means an unexpected situation or a sin that has overtaken them. The first command that he gives is for the other Christians to reach out and try to restore them. But he goes a little deeper because he also tells us about the attitude that we should have while we are doing this restoring. Notice he says to do it in the spirit of meekness! That just means that we are to try and help them with an attitude of compassion and care and concern not condescension. Then the second command he gives is to consider yourself and how you would want others to treat you while dealing with this person.

The second verse that comes to mind is this one, James 4:15:
For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that.

In this verse James is telling us that we ought to include the lord in every area of our lives. I believe that if a Christian will consult the lord through prayer and study of His word that we could avoid the sinkholes of life.

Let me conclude this blog today by asking you 2 questions.

Have you reached out to help any brother or sister who has taken a fall? If not why not?

Are you including the lord in all of your life today? If not today would be a good day to start!

by Roger Penny

Original article can be found at

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  1. Their is only one judge and He loves at all times. He will forgive all sins and restore, to our original state with Him. Ask and receive! Full restoration !


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