Monday, October 21, 2024

Go With Different People When Soulwinning

by Jack Hyles

Occasionally, somebody will ask me, “Brother Hyles, if you started a new church or if you went to a new church, what is the first thing you would do in training the people to win souls?” The first thing would be to have different folks go with me to win a soul. The best way to train a soul winner is for him to watch someone else win a soul. The wonderful thing about soul winning is when you win a soul to Christ in the home, you are training a soul winner at the same time. For example, let us suppose one brother gets converted in a church during preaching. That is wonderful. He is saved, but he has never seen a soul won in the home. Let’s suppose another brother is won in his home. He has already seen me win him, so he knows exactly how to win someone else. So, soul winning in the home reproduces itself. You train them and teach them how to become soul winners before they ever get converted. Now they can witness, and they can say, “At least I can do what Brother Hyles did to me.” They already know basically what to do. So, go with different people so that others may watch you and learn.

by Jack Hyles from the book Let’s Go Soulwinning

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