Monday, October 21, 2024

Why It Is Difficult To Prioritize Life

by Sarah Jane Reeves

Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

My life has a funny way of changing from really slow and boring to entirely overloaded and crazy in the blink of an eye. And I usually cannot pinpoint exactly where the change took place. All I know is one day I’m spending long days on the porch reading while my kids play outside, all the housework is getting done, all the lessons are completed each day, writing goals get accomplished, I’m even working out regularly. Then wham! Next thing I know, I zipping and zooming to places where lay obligations to things. Every day of the week holds some “destination” that I must arrive at by a certain time “or else.” I come home to a messy house, grumpy kids, the school work lags, and I lag as well.

It is so difficult to prioritize life. To neatly lay it all out for yourself and say, “This is important. This is where the bulk of my attention will go, regardless of the so called obligations that beckon me from beyond my driveway.” Back in November, the Lord began to help me lay my life out in such a way, to begin to place things in “The Order” in which He would have me place them. It changed the way I looked at my job and myself. I can feel, though, recently that I am letting “The Order” slip. So as a reminder to myself, and hopefully as a help to you as well, I will be posting (in four or five parts) “The Order” as the Lord showed it to me. Life is all about priorities. We all want to be the best at everything, but what if the Lord’s will is for us is to simply be the best at one thing or two things. Is it really possible to devote that much attention to “everything” at the same time? Why can’t we just be “good” or “acceptable” in some areas? Do we put so much pressure on ourselves in so many different areas, that at the end of the day none of those areas really received our genuine attention and creativity?

Look for the upcoming articles on this topic beginning with, “What Lies Against Me?” a look at Col 2:14 and the self-defeating mindsets we put ourselves in which result in failure before we’ve even attempted something!

by Sarah Jane Reeves

Original article can be found at

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