Friday, April 19, 2024

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Article of the Day

I Have Seen Thy Tears

"...God’s mention of the anguished expression of voice and tears is not an isolated concept."

The King James Bible

Soulwinning Helps

How to Win a Soul to Christ

by David J. Stewart There is nothing more dear to the heart of God than soulwinning. What is meant by the term "soulwinning?" The Word...

So Many Are Lost! What Are You Doing?

by Jeff Merrick As I am writing this article, or observation if you will, I am sitting in the Denver International Airport on my way...

The Cost of Being a Soulwinner

by C.H. Spurgeon:  I WANT to say a word to you who are trying to bring souls to Jesus. You long and pray to...

How Do You Define Pure Love?

Are we like Jonah? Are we like the Pharisees? Do we vainly perform the part of a good Christian to keep our position and title looking good from the outside?

Sevenfold Sin of Not Winning Souls

By Dr. John R. Rice: My message is on the “Sevenfold Sin of Not Winning Souls.” I said sin! If you are a Christian...

The Difference Made to One Bus Kid

" life would have taken a much different route without those few people who thought, 'Maybe I can make a difference.'”

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3 Sure Ways To Kill A Church

All of us have heard of the tragic results when doctors make a mistake and give the patient the wrong injection or pills.

11 Weekly Duties Of A Sunday School Teacher

Teaching a Sunday school class is more than just a Sunday morning job. It is a seven-day-a-week job. In this chapter we shall discuss...

I Want a Big Mouth!

"God does not need all of the right conditions; He just needs me to want to be used. He wants me to have a vision and to dream big. I am convinced that many churches could grow extremely well if we would BELIEVE that God would grow us."

What Then is Our Message?

When John wrote these seven chapters on how to behave, then he wrote the twenty-two chapters of the book of Revelation on how to behold.

How to Destroy a Christian

"We as Christians have a duty to persuade them and show them the truth!"

Preachers Hurt Too

Realize that sometimes, when he is hurting the most, his hurts are hidden so that he can minister to yours.

Prayer Helps

Hymn Stories

And Can It Be: The Story Behind The Hymn

The Story Behind The Hymn: And Can It Be Not many hymns begin with a question as does this one.        However, it is not an expression...

The Story Behind The Hymn: Great Is Thy Faithfulness

Composer Thomas Chisolm Writes Great is Thy Faithfulness Thomas Obadiah Chisolm (1866-1960) had a difficult early adult life. His health was so fragile that there...

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